As our June Volunteer of the Month, we would like to recognize Kelly Potts, a volunteer who is involved in many different ways including being the Chair for the upcoming 10th Annual Kicking Butt 5k and much more! We greatly appreciate all of Kelly’s hard work to help raise awareness and support the Colon Cancer Prevention Project! Learn a little bit about Kelly here, including how she technically will only be turning 8 next year!
*How did you get involved with The Project?
My Dad is a Colon Cancer survivor. He was lucky that it was caught early and had not advanced too quickly. My sister and brother-in-law got involved and slowly begun to recruit the rest of the family. Our goal as a family is to educate and spread the word about colon cancer.
*Why Louisville?
Why not Louisville! I’ve always described Louisville as a large city composed of neighborhoods. Someone always knows someone and there’s always something to do: races, bourbon, local businesses, etc!
*What is your favorite restaurant in Louisville?
This is tough, since my family always eats out. I think I would have to go with El Nopal. It’s not fancy, but we know the owners and you can always count on great food and company!
*What is one interesting fact about you that most people don’t know?
I was born on Leap Year! So yes, I only have a birthday every four years and I am about to turn 8 next year!
*What is your motto you live by?
In college, we learned the art of positive self talk. I have literally used this in every aspect you could possibly think of. It’s not so much a quote as a frame of mind… “You can do this.”
*What is some advice you were given long ago and still live by?
Do the little things. Send a birthday card to your friend in another state. Take soup to your sick friend. Say thank you. Hold the door for another. The little things go far.
*What is your guilty pleasure? (Yes, we mean the one you are slightly embarrassed to admit.)
Mexican food. I could literally eat it every day. Hence my favorite restaurant listed above…
*If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?
I’d go to Barcelona or Thailand. In the past 2 years I have caught the travel bug. My friend and I have been talking about Barcelona lately, but my other friend lives in Thailand and I’d love to get a tour by a local. I absolutely love experiencing new and different cultures.
*If you could trade places with anyone in the world (dead or alive) for a month, who would choose and why?
This mutual friend that I have actually never met is currently traveling around the world. He quit his job, sold his belongings and put the rest in storage in order to travel the world for a year. I’d love to feel that freedom along with awe and wonder.
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