Our team is still seeing blue after a very successful Dress in Blue Day!
We want to say thank you to everyone who participated on March 5th–not only for wearing blue, but for sharing the importance of on-time screening with the people in your lives, all year long. Your stories and advocacy leave us inspired.
Most of all, it’s been powerful to see all the names of the fighters and survivors who were honored on Friday. Check out a few of the responses we received when we asked, Why do you wear blue?
“I wear blue for me.” -Virginia
“I wear blue for my grandmother, my brother, and myself!” -Chana
“I was diagnosed last year on this day and had surgery March 30th. I’m doing great!” -Kristen
“I wear blue is remembrance of my amazing mother Esther Catlett!!” -Angel
“I dress in blue for my dad, my uncle, and my paternal and maternal grandmothers who all had colon cancer. My family on my dad’s side meets Lynch syndrome criteria so colonoscopies are something I began when I was 22. As a Nurse Practitioner, I dress in blue to make my patients aware of how important it is to get screened!” -Laura
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