This month, we would like to recognize Candice Graves, a volunteer who is involved in many different ways, including leading the Marketing Committee and serving on the Bottoms Up Bash Committee (among other things)! We greatly appreciate all of her hard work to help raise awareness and support the Colon Cancer Prevention Project! Learn a little bit about Candi below.
*How did you get involved with The Project?
A little over a year ago I was diagnosed with HNPCC (or to some, Lynch Syndrome). It wasn’t too much of a surprise to me. My grandfather died in his early thirties of colon cancer. He had four children (one of whom was my father) and each of them have survived colon cancer. A first cousin passed away. He was also in his early thirties when a diagnosis came too late. Well before recommended screening would have even taken place. I had been looking for a way to get involved. A way to let people know that early screening really is important. I found The Project when my two aunts who had survived colon cancer did the walk. The rest is, as they say… history.
*Why Louisville-area?
I actually live in Jeffersonville, IN. I’m here because this is where my families have lived for several decades.
*What is your favorite restaurant in Louisville-area?
There are a lot of great places in Southern Indiana and Jeffersonville! For lunch with a friend I love to eat at Orange Clover (their breakfast is also amazing!). For a dinner date my husband and I like other local places like Clucker’s.
*What is one interesting fact about you that most people don’t know?
A few years ago I trained and ran a full marathon… all 26.2 miles of it. It was by far the hardest things I’ve ever done, and I am hoping to do more.
*What is your motto you live by?
I never really thought about it, but I think maybe a combination of these two:
*What is some advice you were given long ago and still live by?
“Help your brother. He’s your family. It’s what we do.”
*What is your guilty pleasure? (Yes, we mean the one you are slightly embarrassed to admit.)
Those stupid zynga games like Candy Crush. I would never publicly admit that I play those things. 🙂
*If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?
Somewhere I can explore! I would love to see the nature and culture of Alaska sometime soon.
*If you could trade places with anyone in the world (dead or alive) for a month, who would choose and why?
I don’t think I would ever trade places with anyone. I like who I am. I let memoirs tell me about who other people are.
***Thank you, Candi!**
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