In 2017, it is estimated that 135,000 new colorectal cancer cases will be diagnosed and that more than 50,000 people will die of the same condition. As we all know, colorectal cancer is incredibly preventable. It’s so preventable that we’ve made it our very mission – and we’re making headway! But in order for colorectal cancer to be prevented or treated successfully with early detection, colonoscopies need to happen.
That’s not news – you’ve been told about the importance of a colonoscopy.
Unfortunately, there are still significant barriers to receiving colonoscopies. One of these barriers is a primary concern for Medicare patients. As it stands, Medicare recipients can receive screening colonoscopies for free – provided the doctor doesn’t find anything. A senior patient might, however, wake up from their procedure and be served a much more substantial bill if the doctor removes polyps. In that case, they suddenly have to pay 20% coinsurance for the colonoscopy – a cost that could be more than $300!
This is a classic bait-and-switch tactic and we, the colorectal cancer support and advocacy community, cannot stand for this loophole to remain. Many seniors will not receive necessary, life-saving colorectal cancer screenings because they fear the potential costs should something be found.
We’re not okay with that. We know you aren’t either.
We need to pass HR 1017 and S 479, the Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Act, this year. We know we’ve asked a lot from you this month in terms of your advocacy, but it is SO important that your elected representatives hear YOUR voice! After all, it is Colon Cancer Awareness Month!
We ask that you follow this link to the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network Letter to Congress. They make it painless for you to advocate. Simply fill out the contact form and submit. THAT’S ALL! We did it in less than one minute.
The American Cancer Society estimates that if we can get 80% of adults screened for colorectal cancer by 2018, 203,000 fewer people would die. That’s huge! We need your help to make that 80×2018 goal a reality and this is a quick, painless way to help us reach that goal.
We hope you’ll lend us your voice and your advocacy. Both will save lives!
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