“I live in NJ. I have been blessed with having good insurance and doctors who supported my desire to get a colonoscopy before the recommended age 50. I wanted this done even though I have no verified family history (a great great grandma had some issue that required a colostomy bag but that’s it). So at age 47, they removed 6 polyps, 2 biggish. No cancer in them. I went back this year, and had another 3 removed. No cancer in them. My doctor said (and I quote), “If we hadn’t taken these out, you would definitely have had cancer in 5 years”. Very sobering thought.
“My parents don’t have polyps when they get their colonoscopies. I exercise, eat right, am not overweight, don’t smoke. I am after my brother, who lives in WY, to get a colonoscopy – he is younger than I am and even more fit. However, he does not have the insurance I have. I have directed him to see about getting a free colonoscopy. I keep after him to do this so hopefully, he will follow through.
That’s my story.”
— Susan Murray, New Jersey
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